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Skills Lab
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class: middle, inverse, title-slide # Setup and Summarising Data ### Jennifer Mankin ### 28 January 2022 --- ## Welcome to Skills Lab! In these sessions we will practice `R` together! * Demonstrate how to use RStudio efficiently * Tips, tricks, and "cheats" * Walk through code and output -- * Prepare for the **take-away paper assessment** --- ## The Take-Away Paper (TAP) In Week 7 you will have a **take-away paper** - Set of tasks to complete in RMarkdown, using `R` - Limited time (48-hour period) - Submit a **knitted** RMarkdown as your submission -- To prepare for this: - Come to Skills Lab and do the tutorials and worksheets! - We will practice everything you need to do --- ## Practice Makes Possible - Learning `R` takes time, patience, and dedication - Don't be surprised if it doesn't come easily! -- ### Key Strategies Practice `R` consistently - 15 minutes a day is better than 2 hours all at once! Ask for help! - All the time, every week if necessary - Use practicals, Piazza, and help desks --- ## The Only Rule That Matters <iframe width="100%" height="75%" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/B4zwh26kP8o?start=30" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> --- ## What Can You Do? Set aside time evaluate honestly: - Where are you at now? - With stats, `R`, your other modules and responsibilities - How much time/energy/effort/other resources are you willing/able to put in? - Based on that, what can you **reasonably** expect? -- Base your expectations on your reality, not on the ideal Whatever you decide you can do, shoot for that! -- We will support you however we can, whatever your goal --- ## Beware Of... - Letting pressure/anxiety/fear of failure prevent you from doing anything or making any progress - Feeling overwhelmed but not asking for help - Putting off the work on this module for days and weeks but then panicking at assessment times over getting a first -- <br><br><br> <font size = 24><center><strong> ASK US FOR HELP! </strong></center></font> --- ## This One Weird Trick Start practicing now to uncouple self-worth from academic achievement!!! -- <br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <font size = 24><center><strong> You are NOT your marks! </strong></center></font> --- ## Making RStudio Snazzy (and Accessible!) Useful settings under Tools > Global Options! - Appearance: Choose a theme -- - Code > Display: Tick "Highlight R function calls" and "Rainbow parentheses" -- - Console: Tick "Show syntax highlighting in console input" --- ## Keyboard Shortcuts See all under Tools > Show Command Palette or change under Tools > Modify Keyboard Shortcuts *Note*: CTRL will likely be CMD on Macs! - CTRL + Enter: run the current line or selection - tab: indent, or auto-fill - CTRL + shift + M: insert the pipe `%>%` - CTRL + shift + I: insert a new code chunk - For this one you may need to change the default! --- ## Asking Answerable Questions In order to get useful help with R, you must give us useful information. This question **is not answerable**: >"I am confused how to install tidyverse. I just get an error. What do I do?" -- If you need help with R, use [the help template on Piazza](https://canvas.sussex.ac.uk/courses/17281/external_tools/7340) to give us the info we need to help you. --- ## User-Friendly Help Documentation Beginner-focused help and info documents with `introverse` [Github Documentation](https://github.com/spielmanlab/introverse) ```r install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("spielmanlab/introverse") ``` -- ### Example ```r library(introverse) introverse::show_topics() introverse::get_help("filter") ``` --- ## Let's Have a Look!
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